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Copyright © 2005 RedShirtImaging, LLC. All rights reserved.

All files, data, software, user manual and content either on or downloadable from this web-site are the proprietary property of RedShirtImaging, LLC.

RedShirtImaging, LLC is the sole owner of all copyrights in the files, data, software, user manual and content either on or downloadable from this web-site.

The software and user manual is made available for download solely for use by end users according to the License Agreement accompanying the software.

Reproduction, redistribution, republishing, transmitting, altering, and reselling the software and user manual is expressly prohibited.

Copying or reproduction of the software and user manual to any other server or location is expressly prohibited.

Systematic downloading of files is expressly prohibited.

Violators will be prosecuted under state and/or federal law and such prosecution may result in severe civil and criminal penalties.

Any software, user manuals, data and other information downloaded from this web-site site is provided "AS-IS" and RedShirtImaging, LLC makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Any use of the software, user manuals, and data is at the risk of the user. RedShirtImaging, LLC will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of any use of the software, user manuals and data downloaded from this web-site.

If you have any questions about these terms, or would like information about licensing this software, please contact RedShirtImaging, LLC.

NeuroCCD, NeuroCCD-SM, NeuroCCD-SM256, NeuroPDA-III, MacroScope, MacroScope-Iia and CardioCCD, CardioCCD-SM, CardioCCD-SM256 and CardioPDA-III are trademarks of RedShirtImaging, LLC.

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